The Barbary Coast, located at: 116 S. Front Street.
This one has been recommended to me by two dive bar frequenters, so I feel compelled to include it on here. The atmosphere is dark and the floors are wooden. It's been described as seedy and cheap, two of my favorite adjectives. PBR's are always $1.50 and they have over 100 bottled beers to choose from. It's Wilmington's oldest bar. I hear the drinks are stiff and the bathroom's full of graffiti.
This place is a must visit for any dive bar aficionado. Longstreets is a downstairs bar in historic downtown Wilmington. The physical address is 135 N. Front St. but it is easier to find by first looking for Fat Tony's (next door) and then heading into the door beside it and down some stairs. The bartenders are super friendly and informative. This place also promotes a drink called the Baltimore Zoo. It is tons of liquor poured into a glass on top of the Miller Lite all while you chug it. DEADLY!!!! Do not drink this drink unless it is your FIRST drink of the night. I tried it after about 12 beers and it wasn't a pretty site. As far as food goes, Fat Tony's will deliver to you at Longstreets, so you won't starve and you won't have to climb back up those stairs for at least another hour. :-)
Longstreets is also home to the largest urinal on the east coast. A relic left over from the fancy hotel it was long ago. The lady's room boasts a creepy old mirror. You know how mirrors get unreflective and cloudy after years upon years? Well that is what you look into there. Better plan to touch up your make up elsewhere. Pics of both are below.
FYI. On your way out be sure to stop by the Orton Pool Hall for some more tasty beer and take your picture playing on the table the legendary Mosconi played on once.
For a pic of the large urinal :

For a pic of the creepy mirror in the ladies room:

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